- [en] DG discretization of magnetic convection | supporting presentation | source code: dgdmc.tar.gz
- [en] FEM-ABC coupling for discretization of Helmholtz equation in unbounded domains using FEniCS - presentation of the results obtained.
- [en] Visualization of Singular Measures - research paper on visualization techniques of full-support measures defined on unit square or cube and singular to the Lebesgue measure.
- [en] Visualization of Singular Measures - presentation supporting the research paper above.
- [en] Laplace Transform for PDEs - presentation outlining the techniques used to transform PDEs from one type to another.
- [en] Concise Notes on Distributions - very short and rigorous introduction to an extremely powerful theory, which makes the most out of Schwartz Kernel Theorem.
- [en] Repeated Games Theory and Applications - Paper for University Study Course: Mathematical Modelling of Economic & Social Behavior
- [en] Karatsuba Fast Multiplication -how to multiply enormous numbers as efficient as possible.
- [en] Hausdorff Dimension - dimension theory. What is the dimension of a fractal? Is it possible to obtain rational, however, non-integer dimension? Non-rational?
- [en] Bifurcations Project - Models for the simulations of various populations, determination of their stability. Are there some critical points, where the population starts either totally vanish or grow without any limits?
- [en] Mystery of Fractals - a light-weight poster about fascinating repetitive patterns and their mystical properties.
- [en] Mathematics in Financial Derivatives - mathematical approach of the evaluation (pricing) of the various most recent financial instruments (options, futures, forwards, swaps).
- [en] Future Energy Alternatives - a poster about environmental friendly energy supplies. Fascinating future technologies which seems to be the optimal solution. Sadly, one small problem: we do not have them yet...
- [en] JSC Grindex Financial Analysis - financial analysis and forecasts for the largest Latvian pharmaceutical.
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